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Founded by Vitality

Are you Britain's Healthiest Workplace?

Take part in the Britain’s Healthiest Workplace survey.
Discover how you can help your employees be healthier and more productive.

Register your interest

What is Britain's Healthiest Workplace?

Britain’s Healthiest Workplace is the UK’s largest workplace wellbeing survey. We launched it back in 2012 to help businesses understand employees’ health and how it links to their productivity. Your employees take part in the survey and you will be given an in-depth report on how to improve their health. By encouraging them to be healthier, you're also looking after your business. It’s good for you and good for society.

The independent board that oversees the survey is made up of leading specialists in workplace wellbeing and public health. And it's all run with our partners - The Financial Times and University of Cambridge.

When the pandemic hit in 2020, we decided to close the survey. But you can register your interest for when it reopens. If you have any questions, email us on You just need more than 20 employees to take part.

The health of UK businesses*

Poor employee health leads to poor work performance. Take part in the survey and you’ll learn about the health of your employees. They’ll also get a full report with recommendations on how to improve their wellbeing. (*2019 BHW data)

  • Mental health

    1 in 10

    are living with depression

  • Exercise

    1 in 3

    don't exercise enough

  • Money worries


    have financial concerns

  • Sleep


    don't sleep well

  • Stress


    are stressed at work

Survey findings

Productivity is dropping

Depression is on the rise and productivity is falling at businesses across the UK. According to the survey results, lower income and younger employees are most at risk of low mood. And more than half of all employees are reporting stress because of their finances. We have a workplace wellbeing survey running through summer 2021. Early results shows that since the pandemic began life satisfaction has plummeted.

There’s also a clear link between the lifestyle choices of employees and how they perform at work. The more they exercise and eat well, the more productive they are. But offering virtual exercise classes isn’t always the answer. In fact, many employees don’t even know about their company’s health and wellbeing support. But when they do use them, they work.
More on our findings
women designing

Being the healthiest is good for business

Taking part in Britain’s Healthiest Workplace is a great way to promote your business to customers and future employees. There are three main categories:

• Britain’s Healthiest Workplace
• Most Improved Workplace
• Healthiest New Entrant

Each one has a winner for small, medium and large organisations. Or you could be named highly commended for being in the top three.
More on the winners
Team of people smiling at the camera
How it works

Results are just a few clicks away

When you register for the survey, you fill in a small online assessment. This should take no longer than two minutes.

There’s a 25-minute assessment for each of your employees to complete. They’ll then get a personalised report outlining their health risks, with areas to focus on.

You'll then get a full report outlining the health of your employees, and your business. It will include practical suggestions on how to support health and wellbeing to improve productivity.

And our workplace wellness experts will be on hand. They help you understand the results and build a health strategy for your business.
Hand writing on a form


Don’t just take our word for it – our entrants and their employees have benefited from taking part year on year.

  • adidas

    adidas logo

    “We have taken part [in Britain's Healthiest Workplace] every year since 2013. These awards really are the gold-standard. We have used the insights provided by the survey to keep evolving our approach every year. We’d encourage other organisations to take part.”

  • Dixons Carphone

    Dixons Carphone logo

    “It is fundamental for us to understand the health and wellbeing of our employees. Britain’s Healthiest Workplace has helped us gain valuable insights on how we can improve our work environment and encourage employees to make healthier lifestyle choices.”

  • Nomura

    Nomura logo

    “Being Britain’s Healthiest Workplace sends a clear message to employees that not only are we looking after their health, we’re also working to improve it. Over the last six years, we have been able to tailor our wellbeing services to our audience based on the data from the study.”

Here are the Britain's Healthiest Workplace terms and privacy policy.

It takes just two minutes.

Register your interest