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Choose your ISA plan

Stocks and Shares ISA

A Stocks and Shares ISA gives your money a chance to grow tax-free. You can put in up to £20,000 this tax year and you don't pay tax when you take your money out.

See what your ISA could be worth Open or transfer an ISA
Read more about our ISA
Capital at risk

Junior ISA

A Stocks and Shares Junior ISA gives you a tax-efficient way to invest for your child under 18. You can currently pay in up to £9,000 a year and your child's money could grow tax-free.
See what your child's ISA could be worth
Open or transfer a Junior ISA
Read more about our Junior ISA
Capital at risk

The value of investments - and the income from them - can go down as well as up, meaning you may get back less than you invest.

If you invest in an ISA or Junior ISA, there's no capital gains tax to pay on any growth, and no income tax to pay on any interest you receive. The amount of tax you save and your eligibility to invest in an ISA or Junior ISA depends on your personal circumstances. All tax rules may change in future.