Your personal retirement plan
Any tax benefits you receive depend on your tax position, as well as current tax law, both of which may change in future.
Remember, value of investments, and the income from them, can go down as well as up, meaning you may get back less than you invest.
How a personal pension works
If you earn less than £3,600, you can still get tax relief on contributions, up to £3,600 a year.
Any growth, interest and dividends on your retirement plan will be tax-free. However, you may need to pay tax on any money you withdraw. Currently, when you reach 55, you can access your money in a way that works for you, such as taking 25% as a tax free lump sum and using the rest to provide an income.
Getting started with our Retirement Plan with Healthy Fee Saver
Easy to start
Start a plan with regular contributions of £200 a month, or with a lump sum of at least £3,600. There’s no minimum amount for additional lump sums.
Easy access
From age 55, you can access your money in a way that works for you.
Simple transfers
Transfer eligible pension pots together into one Retirement Plan.
Easy to manage
Stop, start, increase or decrease regular contributions, and pay in lump sums at any time up to your annual allowance.
How is our Retirement Plan with Healthy Fee Saver different?
The Healthy Living Programme
This is designed to help you take steps towards a healthier future and rewards you with real financial benefits. It also includes discounts on coffee, trainers, gym memberships and much more.
With our Healthy Living Discount, the more you look after your health, the lower your product charge could be – as little as zero every year, when you invest in Vitality funds. This helps you keep more of your money invested and gives you the best chance of meeting your long-term savings goals.
More on Healthy Living Discount
Funds from world-leading investment managers

We also have over 500 non-Vitality funds from more than 50 leading fund managers.
What are the charges?
Fund charges - for the ongoing management of the funds, plus the cost of buying and selling assets within the investment funds.
Adviser charge – this is what we pass on to your financial adviser for managing your account. The amount is agreed between you and your adviser and not set by us.
Where to get more information
UK Government guidance: They offer free and impartial guidance to help you understand your retirement options. Visit Pension Wise or call 0800 138 3944 to book an appointment. Alternatively, go into your local Citizens Advice Bureau for information on Pension Wise and how to book an appointment.
You can also call organisations like the Pensions Advisory Service on 0300 123 1047 or the Money Advice Service on 0800 138 7777, who produce a guide called Your Pension: It’s Time to Choose. You may find this guide helpful and we recommend you read it before making a decision.
Retirement Plan FAQs
How can I set up a VitalityInvest Retirement Plan?
You’ll need to have a financial adviser registered to do business with Vitality. You must also be:
- Aged 18 or over
- A UK resident – that’s someone who spends 183 days or more in the UK in the tax year
- A ‘relevant United Kingdom (UK) individual’. That’s someone who:
(a) Has relevant UK earnings subject to income tax for that year
(b) Is resident in the UK at some time during that year
(c) Was resident in the UK at some point during the five tax years immediately before that year, and when they became a member of the pension scheme, or
(d) Has general earnings from overseas Crown employment subject to UK tax in that tax year
If you’re a non-earner, the maximum you can pay into a pension fund in one year is currently £3,600 gross – that’s £2,880 contribution with £720 tax relief.
What happens to my Retirement Plan if I die?
The value of your plan will be paid to your beneficiaries. To determine who these are, we’ll take account of your circumstances when you die, and anyone you’ve said you want your money to go to. Your beneficiaries will then have these options:
- To take all or part of the amount as a lump sum
- To take a flexible income
- To purchase a lifetime annuity
If you’re aged under 75 when you die, the lump sum and/or income payments to your beneficiaries will be tax-free. If you’re 75 or over when you die, your beneficiaries will pay income tax on any lump sums or income they receive.
Can I change the funds?
Yes, any time you like. Just contact us or your financial adviser, choose which funds to link your plans to and which ones you would like to remove.
Do I earn interest on my cash account?