Life insurance for diabetics and diabetes
Can diabetics get life insurance?
Yes, most insurers offer life insurance for people with diabetes. If you’ve been diagnosed with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, you should tell the insurer during the application. They’ll use this information to help calculate your quote.
People with diabetes often pay more for life insurance. This is because it is a pre-existing condition and poses a wide variety of health risks. This means the insurer is more likely to have to payout so your premiums will therefore be higher.
This shouldn’t put you off applying for cover. Different insurers judge an individual’s risk in different ways.
Remember that your diabetes diagnosis isn’t the only factor the insurer will look at. There are also things you can do to reduce your premiums. Weight management and keeping fit might cut the costs, especially if you have Type 2 diabetes. The same goes for smoking and drinking. Applying for life insurance when you’re younger can also reduce your premiums. And providing evidence that your diabetes is well managed may also help. Depending on the provider.
Completing a life insurance application might take a bit longer if you have diabetes. You may need to get records from your GP. The insurer might also ask you to undergo medical tests.
Life insurance for Type 1 diabetes
People with Type 1 diabetes often lead long and healthy lives. But there is a higher risk of developing health conditions. You might also be more likely to suffer a heart attack or a stroke. Life insurance for Type 1 diabetes often costs more because of this increased risk. This is the case for both whole life insurance and term life insurance for diabetics. But by shopping around you should find appropriate cover for your needs.
Because Type 1 diabetes is a pre-existing medical condition, you may have to undergo a medical exam when applying for insurance. You might also need to provide some extra details about your condition. This includes your recent HbA1C readings and the medication you take. The insurer may also ask about your body mass index (BMI). They will also want to know about any complications from your Type 1 diabetes.
You might find it helpful to talk to your GP about your plans to get life insurance.
Life insurance for type 2 diabetes
Getting life insurance for Type 2 diabetes is possible but it might cost more. Premiums might be higher, depending on the severity of your condition.
If you’re applying for life insurance with Type 2 diabetes, the insurer may ask you to undergo a medical examination. They could also ask for recent blood glucose readings and about your BMI. Following this, they might ask for more information from your GP.
If you can show the insurer you’re making efforts to control your diabetes, they may take this into account. Things you can do include following special diets and exercising. Stopping smoking and reducing alcohol consumption might also reduce your premiums.
Can you get critical/serious illness cover if you have diabetes?
Critical illness cover is insurance that pays out if you’re diagnosed with a serious illness. It can cover medical costs, or payments if you’re unable to work. It’s different from term and whole life insurance. Those only pay out to your loved ones if you pass away.
If your diabetes is pre-existing, this usually won’t be covered. If you develop it during the term of your insurance policy, it should be included if listed as a condition covered. Always ask insurance providers. Different providers have different policies.
Learn more about serious illness cover.
Do you need to tell your insurer about your diabetes?
Yes, if you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes you should tell the insurer when you apply. This counts for Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. If your insurer were to find out you hadn’t informed them about your diabetes, the policy could be cancelled.
If you passed away and your loved ones made a claim, the insurer would ask your GP for your medical records. If they showed you had diabetes but hadn’t disclosed it, the insurer would refuse to payout. That might put your loved ones in a very difficult financial situation.
What happens if you develop diabetes and you already have insurance?
If you develop diabetes after your policy begins, this normally won’t affect your premiums. You will continue paying the same amount that was previously agreed. It’s still a good idea to let your insurer know about your diagnosis. They can’t change your premiums. But it means they would have fewer questions if you passed away and your loved ones needed to make a claim.
If you have term life insurance, you will be covered for a set number of years. If you decide to renew the policy at the end, you’ll have to tell the insurer that you’ve developed diabetes. This will affect how much you pay.
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