Critical illness cover
What is critical illness cover?
But our cover doesn't just recognise critical life-threatening illnesses. We'll also cover you for serious conditions that have just as much impact on your finances. Like if you go blind in one eye. That's why our product is unique, and why we’ve called it serious illness cover.
How is our cover different to critical illness cover?
It's the best on the market
We cover more conditions than any other insurer. This means you’re more likely to get a payout (Defaqto, 2021).
Claim more than once
Most critical illness policies pay out once and then your policy ends. With serious illness cover, if your condition gets worse, or you get another, you can claim again. You can do this until you have no cover left.
Discounts and rewards
To make healthy living easier, you’ll get discounts on popular health and fitness brands. And when you get active, you can earn weekly rewards.
You're covered for later life
You can extend your serious illness cover policy into later life. This will cover for you for illnesses like Dementia and Alzheimer's. There is no extra upfront cost for this.
What conditions are covered?
✓ All heart attacks
✓ All strokes
✓ More cancers than any other insurer (Defaqto, 2021)
✓ All neurological diseases
✓ Breathing and respiratory diseases
✓ Stomach and intestine diseases
✓ Kidney diseases
✓ Connective tissue diseases
✓ Eyesight and hearing conditions
✓ Endocrine gland diseases
✓ Permanent disability.
Important policy documents:
Personal protection plan with serious illness cover summary
Personal protection plan with serious illness cover terms and conditions
Do you need serious or critical illness cover?
- You and your family rely on your income
- You're a single income household, or are the main breadwinner
- Government benefits wouldn't cover your outgoings, or you're not eligible.
How does serious illness cover work?
For the duration of your plan, you'll pay monthly premiums. These start from £8 a month. If you're diagnosed with one of the conditions we cover and it meets one of our definitions, you'll get a payout.
The payout will be based on the impact the condition has on your lifestyle and will be a percentage of your cover amount. The larger the impact the condition will have on your lifestyle, the higher the percentage that we’ll pay out. This means you could receive a payout at an earlier stage of your illness, even if it’s not life threatening.
If your condition gets worse, or you get another, you can claim again. You can keep doing this until you’ve used up your whole cover amount.
Have you considered indexation? Indexation is an add-on to your Life insurance policy that allows you to increase your cover in line with inflation. Let’s explain.
“There’s not many insurance companies around that will actively look to pay you more money”
He got 50% of his serious illness cover policy paid out, rather than the 25% he thought he would get. His policy is still in place and he’s covered for a similar illness or any he might develop in the future.
“The money allowed me to take another six months at home with him”
It only takes two minutes.
Get a life insurance quoteCall us on 0161 974 2517. Our team are on hand to answer your queries.
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Helpful guides
Serious and critical illness cover
Want to find out more about critical illness cover? Our guide explains how much critical illness cover you might need, the difference between it and other policies, and more.
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A guide to getting life insurance as a cancer survivor and how to make a claim after a diagnosis.
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3Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics, 2017 Update: A Report from the American Heart Association.
4State of the Nation Stroke statistics, February 2018.
5Cancer Research UK, 2017.