4 habits to improve your healthspan
Your healthspan is the number of years you can expect to live in good health, here are healthy habits to implement to increase your healthspan.

Published: 12 October 2021.
We all know we have a lifespan, the number of years lived, which reflects our quantity of life. But did you know that we also have a healthspan? Your healthspan is the number of years you can expect to live in good health, which is important because it’s a measure of quality of those years lived. In the UK, the number of years people are spending in ill health has been gradually increasing, which is mainly due to the growth and earlier onset of chronic conditions and lifestyle-related diseases. On average on the UK, 16% of a woman’s life, and 13% of a man’s life, is now expected to be spent in poor health. The good news is that research suggests most of the contributing factors are preventable and therefore taking preventative measures through healthy habits could lead to living longer in good health. The opportunity to improve healthspan is significant, even for those who would consider themselves to be in ‘average health’. For example, a 30-year old female of average health who makes moderate changes to increase and improve her exercise and diet could potentially add three years of good health to her life.Changing your habits for the long-term
The biggest contributing factors to living longer in ill health are chronic conditions and lifestyle-related diseases, such as diabetes, musculoskeletal conditions and mental health, as well as certain risk factors like BMI increasing at younger ages. By making lots of small changes to your overall health habits, you could help to increase the time spent in good health, and although starting sooner is better, you can make changes at any age. There are a few areas of focus when it comes to changing behaviours to increase your healthspan, which are physical activity, diet and nutrition, sleep hygiene and high-risk activities such as alcohol consumption and smoking. By making a few small changes to these aspects of your life, you could add years to your healthspan, which is no small thing. Here’s how to take immediate steps to extend your healthy years...-
Cut out high risk habits
Put in place an exercise & nutrition routine
Use tech to track your habits
Get a buddy
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