Here’s why you might be craving alcohol right now

Published: 12 July 2021. Writen by: Cheryl Freedman.
If wine o’clock can’t come round fast enough, it might be time to curb your pandemic drinking habits. We explore what’s going on psychologically and how to drink more mindfully. What does 6pm signal for you? Time to log off your computer and do some laundry? Maybe go for a run. Or, is it time to pour yourself a nice cold gin and tonic or crack open a beer? If it’s the last one, you’re definitely not alone. During lockdown, many of us fell into the habit of reaching for a glass of something after another stressful or monotonous day working from home. Unsurprisingly, how much alcohol you drink is a hot topic at the moment. One 2020 study suggested almost half of Brits consumed more than they did before the pandemic due to feelings of loneliness, anxiety and depression. Another UK study of 27,000 people by the University of Glasgow found the proportion of people drinking four or more times per week increased during the pandemic. Things aren’t necessarily any better now lockdown has eased. The buzz of pub gardens and the warmer weather has seen us switch into ‘holiday mode’. Aperol, anyone? Admittedly, not every pandemic statistic suggests a rise in consumption – research from Sheffield University indicated our collective at-home drinking didn’t quite match the amount we’d otherwise have consumed in pubs and restaurants. According to charity Alcohol Change UK, more than a third of people actually cut back, while the rising trend for ‘mindful drinking’ – drinking less often and more consciously – is especially popular among younger generations. Clearly the picture is complicated. Nonetheless, individually, many of us are still craving a stiff drink after an unprecedentedly difficult year, and finding it tougher to stick to the recommended maximum 14 units a week. So what’s going on in our brains when we feel the lure of ‘wine o’clock’? If you feel your alcohol use may be problematic, there are places you can seek support and advice. The NHS advises talking to your GP first of all, and you can search for NHS alcohol addiction services by postcode.What happens when we crave a drink?

Feeling we deserve a ‘treat’

Because we want to rebel

To stave off boredom

Because of peer pressure

7 useful strategies for more mindful drinking

Try to ‘urge surf’
'This is a technique from DBT, or dialectical behaviour therapy,’ says Tang. ‘When you feel the urge to drink, do something else. Ideally, choose a substitution in easy reach – reach for a glass of water, piece of fruit or good book.’
Identify alternative ‘healthy’ soothing techniques
‘This could include things like meditation, going for a walk, deep breathing or running a bath – ideally, something which doesn’t cost money and grounds us.’ Tang says things that get our adrenaline pumping, such as running or playing a sport, can be effective, too.
Question what’s really going on ‘Even before you take the first drink to solve the problem at hand – ask what it is you really need right now,’ says Tang. ‘It’s likely to be emotional or mental.’ Use this technique to pace yourself at the bar. ‘Before you order another drink, ask yourself: “Do I want this, and is it really making me feel good?”’
Stock up on non-alcoholic treats
It might be tonic water, fizzy elderflower or ingredients for a great mocktail. Or one of the panoply of great non-alcoholic spirits, wines and beers currently flooding the market (most far nicer than the teetotal options of the past). ‘Plan your treat – have the drink you love in the house and set aside a time to really enjoy it, not gulp it down while you’re doing something else,’ says Tang. Similarly, if you are having an alcoholic drink, ‘really savour it’.
Prepare a ‘peer pressure’ response
Want to hang out with friends, but not drink yourself under the table? ‘You might practise in advance what you will say to people who see your refusal to drink as some sort of reflection on them,’ says Tang.
Think about the money
Alcohol is expensive (one reason why Gen Z may be less keen on drinking than older generations, suggests Tang). ‘Save the money from every drink you don’t buy, then spend it on something rewarding.
Slowly increase no-alcohol days
Seek help when you need it
Most of us can learn to control our cravings. However, unchecked, our alcohol use can slip into new territory, almost without us realising – what some people are starting to term ‘grey area drinking’. ‘Drinking alcohol becomes problematic when we believe we cannot function without it, or when our brain chemistry alters so we need more alcohol to feel better, or feel awful when we are sober,’ adds Tang. If you feel your alcohol use may be problematic, there are places you can seek support and advice. The NHS advises talking to your GP first of all, and you can search for NHS alcohol addiction services by postcode. Alcohol Change UK offers tips and advice (with a handy quiz to help you assess how healthy your drinking is). Drinkaware has an app you can download to help you track and moderate your drinking, as well as a helpline. And With You also offers free confidential support. Vitality offers mental health support with private health insurance. If you’re a Vitality health insurance member, log into Member Zone to access the mental health hub.Recent articles
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