The truth about carbs
The keto diet has made carbs a hot topic in the weight loss world. Here's what you need to know carbs and what effects they can have.

First things first: carbs can be a part of healthy eating. Carbs can be confusing. Some weight loss pros swear that they make you hungrier and sabotage your weight loss efforts. Others insist they’re the foundation of a healthy diet, including the Eatwell guide from Public Health England. So many contradictions within the diet industry make it hard to know what to believe. But before you ditch pasta, bread and potatoes, read this.
Carbohydrates explained
“Carbohydrates are nutrients that provide quick, easy energy for your muscles and brain, making them your body’s favourite source of fuel,” says nutritionist Sylvia Klinger, RD. Carbs are essentially made up of sugar molecules in different combinations. After you eat a carb-containing meal or snack, its carbohydrates travel to your small intestine where they’re absorbed into your bloodstream. From there they travel to your liver, where they’re converted to your body’s favourite source of energy, glucose, to feed body cells. Some glucose can be stored in the liver or muscles as glycogen and then released into the bloodstream whenever your body needs energy. If energy is supplied in amounts greater than the body needs, excess glucose can be converted into fat. While you may have known that carbs give your muscles the fuel they need to power through physical activities, you may not have realised that your brain runs on carbs, too, burning through roughly a quarter of your body’s energy every day. Carbohydrates have another important job, too: they may help increase the release of the feel-good brain chemical serotonin that helps melt away stress and anxiety.Good carbs, bad carbs?
If carbohydrates are so great for you, why do they get such a bad rap? “People tend to eat carbohydrates in the wrong amount and the wrong balance,” says Julie Miller Jones, PhD, CNS, a former Professor of Nutrition at St. Catherine University. “We live in a world where restaurants may serve the equivalent of six servings of pasta in an unlimited pasta bowl, or a bagel, which delivers three or more servings of bread.” What’s more, not all carbs are created equal. There are essentially three kinds of carbohydrates: simple carbs, complex carbs and fibre.- Simple carbohydrates are made of single or double units of sugar. These require little to no digestion. Single sugars, like fructose from fruit, are absorbed directly into the small intestine, while double sugars, such as table sugar (aka sucrose) or milk sugar (lactose), are split into simple sugars by special enzymes that reside in the gut and then quickly absorbed.
- Complex carbs are on the opposite end of the spectrum, consisting of longer chains of sugar, or starch. Because these are much harder to digest, your saliva contains enzymes that begin to break them down as you chew your food. But the small intestine is where the real work happens. There, a special enzyme called pancreatic amylase chips away at those long, stubborn chains of starch, slowly breaking them into simple sugars. While they eventually enter the bloodstream as sugars, the process of dismantling them takes more time so that they provide sustained energy in comparison to the quick flood of sugar that you get from simple carbs.
- Fibre is a carbohydrate found only in plant foods naturally. Because your body lacks the enzymes to break it down, it passes right through your system without ever being digested. Check out this chart of high-fibre foods to include in your diet.
Sometimes simple isn’t better
Recently sugar—which is really a pseudonym for simple carbs—has been getting slammed for potentially causing everything from unwanted weight gain to type 2 diabetes. However, nutritionally speaking, not all sugar-containing foods are the same. Sugar can be added to foods or is just a natural part of a food’s makeup. Added sugar is found primarily in sweets, cakes, fizzy drinks and the like, whereas natural sugar often comes with an array of nutrients and fibre in foods like fruit, juice and milk. Sugar promotes the release of insulin into the blood. Eat a little bit and your body is feeding your muscles and brain the way it was designed; eat more than you need and leftover excess sugar is stored as fat. If this happens once in a while, it’s no big deal. But when it becomes the norm, pounds can easily sneak up on you.What about natural sugar?
If too much added sugar makes you hungrier, you might be wondering whether you should avoid foods that contain natural sugars like fruit and milk. The answer is a resounding no! The sugars in these foods exist in combination with other nutrients (such as protein and vitamins) and beneficial phytochemical and antioxidants that can modulate their effect. Let's compare a glass of milk and a can of fizzy drink. While the milk supplies sugar, it also contains calcium and high quality protein. Fizzy drinks, on the other hand, supply sugar and zero nutrition. What’s more, natural sugars often occur in a matrix of fibre, which slows down their absorption. So while fruit contains sugar, because this sugar is packaged in a matrix of fibre, it doesn’t overwhelm your system the same way a couple of cookies would, and you may feel more satisfied. Be wary of any diet - such as the keto diet - which requires you to eliminate entire food groups. On the keto diet, your carb intake is limited to 5-10% of your daily intake, which means you'll probably have to cut back on fruit and some veggies. The keto diet does not align with the Eatwell guide, which emphasises eating plenty of fruits, vegetables and high-fibre wholegrains like wholewheat pasta and brown rice.The complex carb
Unlike most simple carbs, complex carbohydrates are your friends, thanks to their prolonged energy release. You can find them naturally in whole foods like beans, whole grains and vegetables. “These foods also provide an A to Z mix of naturally occurring plant nutrients called phytonutrients, which are credited with fighting diseases like heart disease and cancer,” says Susan Mitchell, PhD, RDN, producer of the podcast Breaking Down Nutrition.Fibre: the forgotten carb
Then there’s fibre, potentially one of the most underrated carbs out there. Sure, it keeps your digestive system running smoothly, but that’s just the beginning. “There are many kinds of fibre, each with unique and wonderful health benefits,” says Jones. “We should really be treating fibre the same way we do vitamins, striving to include lots of different types in our diets every day.” Case in point: the beta-glucan fibre in oats and barley helps reduce cholesterol, while the soluble fibers in beans may better help control blood sugar levels. There are even fibres in corn that can help you absorb more calcium and magnesium. Because fibre, aka roughage, can expand in your gut like a sponge in some cases, it may have an impact on appetite by helping you feel full faster, by taking more room in your stomach and by taking longer to chew. And over the long term, it encourages the growth of good gut bacteria believed to influence hormones that help regulate appetite, says Jones. If you need convincing, consider this: people who ate about 25 grams of fibre each day for a year lost 4.5lbs overall, according to a clinical trial of 240 people with metabolic syndrome that was reported in the Annals of Internal Medicine. If 25 grams sounds like a tall order, try working fibre-rich foods like beans, fruits, and vegetables into every meal and snack. Those fibre grams will start to add up before you know it.Making carbs work for you
Far from being the enemy, carbs are a potential ally. Most weight loss experts agree that they can safely make up anywhere between 45 percent to 65 percent of your daily calories. “In the end, it can be hard not to get swept up in the frenzy of carb confusion,” says Klinger. “But the truth is, as long as you don’t go over your carb recommendations they can still be a healthy part of your weight-loss plan.” To learn more about the surprising effects of what you eat, check out our article 7 foods that may help with anxiety. Originally published on Weight Watchers®.Recent articles
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