We're here to help
Contact us on social media or over the phone
Speak to us on the phone
We’re available from 8am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 9am until 1pm on Saturdays
If you're having technical issues
We may need to take a look at what you’re seeing on your computer, iPhone or Android phone. To do this, we use a screen-sharing support tool called Bomgar, which is the number one solution for securely accessing and supporting any device or system.You’ll be in complete control of what you allow us to see at all times and you can end the session whenever you want.
What to do before you call us about a technical problem:
Keep learning about Vitality
How Vitality works
Learn about how the Vitality Programme works and how to get the most out of your benefits
Guide to Member Zone and the Vitality Member app
Find out how to register for the Member Zone and Vitality Member app and start earning points
How do Vitality points work?
Find out how many Vitality points you can earn for each activity, such as a Vitality Healthcheck or going to the gym
Partners and rewards
Need help with a Vitality partner? Explore our partners and rewards support hub for an answer